MariaPerez – Young Maria v..0.0 – Real porn

MariaPerez - Young Maria v..0.0 - Real pornMariaPerez - Young Maria v..0.0 - Real porn

Your family moved into a big city. New life, new money, new friends. Be as bad as you want!
Well, what did I find?

UPD 4.0.0
– The Hall of Glory is back! I found a way to extract and operate big tables (over 600 patrons and followers!)
– I changed the side menu design + added clocks + added a progress bar to Energy stat + added authors
– The exploring system was improved – now you explore places randomly
– The problem with displaying Throat-Training pics was solved
– The library is now available. You must have more than 60 points of Corruption to be able to go there after fingering in the classroom
– All images size was fixed or reduced. No more huge pics
– Now changing clothes at the beach cost 5 Energy

cheat code menu
Young Maria, for money: “ymoney”
Young Maria, for corruption: “ycorrupt”
Young Maria, for parents’ liberty: “yparentsliberty”
Young Maria, for beauty: “beautifulm”
Young Maria, for reputation: “populargirl”

UPD 3.7.0

– A new location – Beach! You can swim, take sunbath, drink, play volleyball or fuck there! But firstly, you have to buy a bikini. Also, some boy might ask you to play volleyball with his team. Also, you can drink alcohol at the local bar (this is useless for now since I need to test this first). Also, when you change clothes, there is a chance to run into some “troubles”. You know what I mean:3 There are four kinds of them. Also, swimming adds Beauty.
– A new system – intoxication! As I said earlier, useless for now. But I’m going to add a lot of cool stuff you can meet when you are drunk!
– A feature that Middlewared implemented before – Increasing Max Energy when running (or swimming) for too long – was balanced a bit.
– Online and Offline versions separation is back!

UPD 3.6.0(author: Middlewared):
– School scenes update
– Now not only your butt can be shown everyone at school, but your tits as well
– More gifs!
– Added ability to train your deepthroat skills (high corruption required). You can choose different objects to do this
– Some minor improvements and little bugs fixed