Neverlucky – A knight’s tale APK – 0.7 – Male Protagonist

Neverlucky - A knight’s tale APK - 0.7 - Male ProtagonistNeverlucky - A knight’s tale APK - 0.7 - Male ProtagonistNeverlucky - A knight’s tale APK - 0.7 - Male ProtagonistNeverlucky - A knight’s tale APK - 0.7 - Male ProtagonistNeverlucky - A knight’s tale APK - 0.7 - Male ProtagonistNeverlucky - A knight’s tale APK - 0.7 - Male Protagonist

Genre: 3dcg, Animated, Male Protagonist, Masturbation, Vaginal adult, Oral smut
Censor: No
Language : Eng/Russian

You play as a knight in a fictional medieval kingdom. You live in a castle together with your beautiful wife Cathy and the cute servant girl Lydia. One day you are called to the capital where you meet a young girl called Alice, daughter of your former teacher. She becomes your squire and together you will go on many adventures as you train her to one day become a knight herself. Your love life will get also get a lot more adventurous as you start developing feelings for not only Alice, but Lydia as well. Can this lead to a happy end for you? And what will Cathy so about this? Come and find out!​