Coaxke – Karmic Subjugation v..1 – Rpg

Coaxke - Karmic Subjugation v..1 - RpgCoaxke - Karmic Subjugation v..1 - RpgCoaxke - Karmic Subjugation v..1 - RpgCoaxke - Karmic Subjugation v..1 - RpgCoaxke - Karmic Subjugation v..1 - RpgCoaxke - Karmic Subjugation v..1 - Rpg

Karmic Subjugation is a fantasy game set in the medieval times on an oceanic world shortly after the end of the ‘Declarationless War’ in which the former Republic Of New Stavros attacked its ally, the Empire Of Old Lobitz without a declaration of war. After many years the war came to a closure and the empire emerged victorious. But it was a pyrrhic victory.

With the economies of both nations now in ruins, the old lobitzian empire became increasingly authoritarian and not even the powerful can do much about it anymore.
A noble princess, who is infamous for her lifestyle, has chosen to flee her country in order to achieve her goals from within the defeated Republic Of New Stavros.
But as the events unfold the dark forces are watching…

Will the princess be able to achieve her goals in life?

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The world is in an age of recovery. Caused by the slave purges in the Blood Gulch mines, a rebellion broke out. From trade routes to almost losing on their own home island, the Middle Kingdom survived the wrath of the enslaved thanks to the use of forbidden arts of magic, and assassinations.

But it was only a pyrrhic victory. Both sides lost too many men to make any sort of real progress.
The Kingdom needed their soldiers to stop rebel outbreaks in the remaining cities…
And the rebels did not have the strength to attack the main island of the Middle Kingdom once more.

Therefore, a diplomatic solution was sought. The Kingdom granted the rebels their independence in front
of the world leaders.

On that day, the Republic and the Empire have been founded.