Free Rpg game by Mikemasters College life 0.04a Porn Adult Comics download Fast Smut Comics easy download. Rpg game by Mikemasters College life 0.04a complete Porn Comics available online galleries.
Developed: 2017/07/04
New in this version
To ensure the best cmpatibility follow these instructions:
Talk to Kara at lunch time or at library – event to become friends should start.
Help Jane to study at your room – similar event
It’s up to you, if you want to be friends or not. These instructions also apply for new players, who wants to push relations forward.
I’ve revamped relationship system to be slower and maybe more “realistic”. Read more about it here, if you’re interested.
There are 4 story events.
Two (really) small events to become friend with Jane and Kara (if your relationship progress is far enough) and two larger events – one for massage and one with Kara’s sweater. Try to find them on your own, You can ask me, if your stuck.
That is the major part. Now the…