Genre: Action Casual Indie,2D game, 2DCG, Adventure, Animated, Big tits, Combat, Female protagonist, Handjob, Horror, Humor, Lesbian, Male domination, Monster, Multiple endings, Multiple penetration, Oral XXX, Parody, Puzzle, Sci-fi, Shooter, Tentacles
Censor: None
Studio/Publisher: KG/AM
Version: 0.2
OS: Windows
Language: Eng, Russian
About This Game:
It’s a game about Zombies, Viruses, Love, Adult and Evil Corporations. You’ll have to force your way to safety through lots of Zombies, Monsters and Lusted Cocks and Pussies! And don’t forget the PENESIS! ADULTS ONLY!
LEWDAPOCALYPSE is a XXX parody of the popular, ‘Resident Evil 3’.